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@wildix/wms-api-client > GetPbxCallGroupsCommand

GetPbxCallGroupsCommand class

Get the list of all available Call groups on the PBX.


export declare class GetPbxCallGroupsCommand extends GetPbxCallGroupsCommand_base 

Extends: GetPbxCallGroupsCommand_base


Use a bare-bones client and the command you need to make an API call.

import { WmsApiClient, GetPbxCallGroupsCommand } from "@wildix/wms-api-client"; // ES Modules import
// const { WmsApiClient, GetPbxCallGroupsCommand } = require("@wildix/wms-api-client"); // CommonJS import
const client = new WmsApiClient(config);
const input = {};
const command = new GetPbxCallGroupsCommand(input);
const response = await client.send(command);
// { // GetPbxCallGroupsOutput
// type: "result" || "error", // required
// result: { // GetPbxCallGroupsResult
// records: [ // PbxCallGroupList // required
// { // PbxCallGroup
// id: Number("int"), // required
// title: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// members: [ // PbxCallGroupMembers // required
// ],
// settings: { // PbxCallGroupSettings
// queueManager: "STRING_VALUE",
// cid: "STRING_VALUE",
// autoPause: "STRING_VALUE",
// autoPauseTime: Number("int"),
// autoPauseDelay: Number("int"),
// autoPauseBusy: true || false,
// autoPauseUnAvail: true || false,
// maxLen: Number("int"),
// retry: Number("int"),
// ringInUse: true || false,
// strategy: "STRING_VALUE",
// defaultPriority: Number("int"),
// timeout: Number("int"),
// weight: Number("int"),
// wrapUpTime: Number("int"),
// rule: "STRING_VALUE",
// announce: { // PbxCallGroupAnnounce
// frequency: Number("int"),
// holdTime: "STRING_VALUE",
// roundSeconds: Number("int"),
// },
// exitAllMembers: { // PbxCallGroupExitAllMembers
// busy: true || false,
// paused: true || false,
// ringing: true || false,
// },
// smsNumber: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// },
// ],
// total: Number("int"), // required
// },
// };