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Simple Chatbot in x-bees

· 4 min read
Vadim Ruban
Software Engineer

This guide will walk you through creating and deploying a simple chatbot using x-bees conversation SDK and Node.js.


By integrating the chatbot, you can automate responses, handle frequent queries, and improve overall user experience. This guide will help you create a basic chatbot that responds to messages with a simple "Pong: message".


Before you start, make sure you have the following:

  • Node.js and npm: Ensure you have Node.js (version 18.x or higher) and npm installed.
  • Git: For cloning the repository.
  • Wildix Management System Access: To configure the chatbot.
  • Ngrok Account: For creating a public HTTPS tunnel.

Step 1: Configure the Chatbot in WMS

  1. Login to WMS:
  • Open the WMS login page and enter your credentials.
  1. Navigate to Chatbot Integration:
  • Go to PBX -> Integrations -> Cloud integrations tab.
  1. Add a New Chatbot:
  • Click on Chatbots -> Add new chatbot.
  • Fill in the required fields:
    • Name: Choose a name for your chatbot.
    • Integration type: Select Webhook.
    • Webhook URL: Enter (we will update this later).
  • Select Allow users to find the bot using search.
  • Click Add.

Step 2: Generate API Key for the Chatbot

  1. Manage API Keys:
  • After creating the bot, click on Manage API keys.
  1. Create a New API Key:
  • Click Create new API Key.
  • Label the API key for identification.
  • Click Create and copy the secret using the Click to reveal button.

Step 3: Clone the Examples Repository

Open your terminal and run:

git clone
cd sdk-examples

Step 4: Install Required Packages

Navigate to the chatbot-simple example directory and install the necessary packages:

cd examples/chatbot-simple
npm install

Step 5: Run the Server

Start the server using the following command:

npm run start

The server will start, and Ngrok will provide a public URL. Use this URL to configure your webhook in WMS.

Step 6: Update Webhook URL

  1. Get the Public URL from Ngrok:
  • The URL will look something like http://<unique_id>
  1. Update Webhook URL in WMS:
  • Login to WMS.
  • Navigate to WMS -> PBX -> Integrations -> Cloud integrations tab.
  • Select your created bot under Chatbots.
  • Update the Webhook URL with the Ngrok URL (<your_ngrok_url>/bot/webhook).
  • Save the changes.

Step 7: Communicate with the Bot

  1. Open x-bees:
  • Launch the x-bees application.
  1. Find the Bot:
  • Use Live Search to find the bot using the name you specified.
  1. Send a Message:
  • Type a message like "Hello Bot!" and send it.
  1. Bot Response:
  • The bot will reply with "Pong: Hello Bot!".

Example Interaction

  • User: "Hello Bot!"
  • Bot: "Pong: Hello Bot!"

This confirms that your chatbot is set up correctly and can interact with users through the x-bees application.


Here’s a detailed explanation of the code used to create the chatbot:

import {
ConversationsClient, SendMessageCommand,
WebhookEventType as ChatWebhookEventType,
} from '@wildix/xbees-conversations-client';

import express, {Request, Response} from 'express';
import ngrok from 'ngrok';

const app = express();
const port = 3110;

const botApiKey = 'BOT_API_TOKEN_HERE'; // Replace with your actual API key

const conversationsClientToken = {token: () => Promise.resolve(botApiKey)};
const conversationsClient = new ConversationsClient({token: conversationsClientToken});

function isEventProcessable(event: WebhookChatMessageNewEvent) {
if ( > 2) return false; // Ignore group messages
if ( || event.botId === return false; // Ignore bot messages
if ( !== 'regular') return false; // Only process regular messages
if (! return false; // Ignore messages without text
return true;

app.use(express.json());'/bot/webhook', async (request: Request, response: Response) => {
const event = request.body as WebhookChatMessageNewEvent;

console.log('Event', JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));

try {
if (event.type === ChatWebhookEventType.MESSAGE_NEW) {
if (isEventProcessable(event)) {
await conversationsClient.send(
new SendMessageCommand({
text: `Pong: ${}`,

console.log('Event processed successfully');
response.json({message: 'Webhook processed successfully'});
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error processing webhook:', error);
response.status(500).json({message: 'Internal server error'});

app.listen(port, async () => {
const url = await ngrok.connect({
addr: port,
authtoken: '<YOUR_NGROK_TOKEN>' // Replace with your ngrok authtoken
console.log(`Public URL: ${url}/bot/webhook`);

By following this guide, you will have a fully functional chatbot integrated with Wildix, capable of interacting with users through the x-bees application.