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@wildix/wda-insights-client > ListConversationsCommand

ListConversationsCommand class

Insights API are currently in active development. All interfaces are subject to change.


export declare class ListConversationsCommand extends ListConversationsCommand_base 

Extends: ListConversationsCommand_base


Use a bare-bones client and the command you need to make an API call.

import { WdaInsightsClient, ListConversationsCommand } from "@wildix/wda-insights-client"; // ES Modules import
// const { WdaInsightsClient, ListConversationsCommand } = require("@wildix/wda-insights-client"); // CommonJS import
const client = new WdaInsightsClient(config);
const input = { // ListConversationsInput
company: "STRING_VALUE",
filter: { // ListConversationsFilter
participants: [ // ListConversationsFilterParticipantList
{ // ListConversationsFilterParticipant Union: only one key present
email: "STRING_VALUE",
phone: "STRING_VALUE",
extension: "STRING_VALUE",
participantsToInclude: [
{// Union: only one key present
email: "STRING_VALUE",
phone: "STRING_VALUE",
extension: "STRING_VALUE",
participantsToExclude: [
{// Union: only one key present
email: "STRING_VALUE",
phone: "STRING_VALUE",
extension: "STRING_VALUE",
service: [ // ListConversationsFilterService
phases: [ // ListConversationsFilterPhases
language: [ // ListConversationsFilterLanguage
duration: { // ListConversationsFilterDuration
from: Number("int"),
to: Number("int"),
recorded: true || false,
transcribed: true || false,
direction: { // ListConversationsFilterDirection
inbound: true || false,
outbound: true || false,
internal: true || false,
date: { // ListConversationsFilterDate Union: only one key present
absolute: { // ListConversationsFilterAbsoluteDate
timeZone: "STRING_VALUE",
predefined: { // ListConversationsFilterPredefinedDate
timeZone: "STRING_VALUE",
exclusiveStartKey: "STRING_VALUE",
const command = new ListConversationsCommand(input);
const response = await client.send(command);
// { // ListConversationsOutput
// items: [ // ListConversationsItemsList // required
// { // ListConversationsItem
// event: { // ListConversationsItemEvent Union: only one key present
// call: { // CallRecord
// flowIndex: Number("int"), // required
// startTime: Number("long"), // required
// endTime: Number("long"), // required
// connectTime: Number("long"),
// talkTime: Number("long"),
// waitTime: Number("long"),
// duration: Number("long"), // required
// caller: { // CallParticipant
// type: "REMOTE" || "LOCAL", // required
// phone: "STRING_VALUE",
// name: "STRING_VALUE",
// company: "STRING_VALUE",
// email: "STRING_VALUE",
// userId: "STRING_VALUE",
// userExtension: "STRING_VALUE",
// userDepartment: "STRING_VALUE",
// groupId: "STRING_VALUE",
// groupName: "STRING_VALUE",
// userAgent: "STRING_VALUE",
// role: "CLIENT" || "AGENT", // required
// license: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// callee: {
// type: "REMOTE" || "LOCAL", // required
// phone: "STRING_VALUE",
// name: "STRING_VALUE",
// company: "STRING_VALUE",
// email: "STRING_VALUE",
// userId: "STRING_VALUE",
// userExtension: "STRING_VALUE",
// userDepartment: "STRING_VALUE",
// groupId: "STRING_VALUE",
// groupName: "STRING_VALUE",
// userAgent: "STRING_VALUE",
// role: "CLIENT" || "AGENT", // required
// license: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// service: "STRING_VALUE",
// serviceNumber: "STRING_VALUE",
// destination: "STRING_VALUE",
// direction: "INTERNAL" || "INBOUND" || "OUTBOUND" || "UNDEFINED",
// trunkName: "STRING_VALUE",
// trunkDirection: "STRING_VALUE",
// queueName: "STRING_VALUE",
// queueId: "STRING_VALUE",
// tags: [ // CallFlowTags
// ],
// flags: [ // CallFlowFlags
// ],
// callerMos: "STRING_VALUE",
// calleeMos: "STRING_VALUE",
// xhoppersConfId: "STRING_VALUE",
// recordings: [ // CallFlowRecordings
// ],
// recordingsData: [ // CallFlowRecordingsData
// { // RecordingsData
// fileName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// start: Number("long"), // required
// end: Number("long"), // required
// owner: "callee" || "caller" || "system", // required
// url: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// pauses: [ // CallRecordPausesList // required
// { // CallRecordPause
// start: Number("long"),
// end: Number("long"),
// reason: "pause" || "hold",
// },
// ],
// },
// ],
// mergeWith: "STRING_VALUE",
// splitReason: "STRING_VALUE",
// splitTransferType: "STRING_VALUE",
// remotePhone: "STRING_VALUE",
// remotePhoneCountryCode: Number("int"),
// remotePhoneCountryCodeStr: "STRING_VALUE",
// remotePhoneLocation: "STRING_VALUE",
// callStatus: "COMPLETED" || "MISSED",
// transcriptionStatus: "AVAILABLE" || "UNAVAILABLE",
// transcriptionLanguage: "STRING_VALUE",
// attachment: "STRING_VALUE",
// attachmentType: "VOICEMAIL" || "FAX",
// attachmentDestinations: [ // CallFlowAttachmentDestinationList
// { // CallFlowAttachmentDestination
// phone: "STRING_VALUE",
// name: "STRING_VALUE",
// email: "STRING_VALUE",
// userId: "STRING_VALUE",
// userExtension: "STRING_VALUE",
// userDepartment: "STRING_VALUE",
// groupId: "STRING_VALUE",
// groupName: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// ],
// id: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// pbx: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// time: Number("long"), // required
// company: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// licenses: [ // LicensesList // required
// "x-bees",
// ],
// type: "call" || "call_transcription" || "conference" || "conference_transcription", // required
// },
// conference: { // ConferenceRecord
// id: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// time: Number("long"), // required
// company: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// pbx: "STRING_VALUE",
// startTime: Number("long"), // required
// endTime: Number("long"), // required
// duration: Number("long"), // required
// waitTime: Number("int"),
// subject: "STRING_VALUE",
// direction: "INTERNAL" || "INBOUND" || "OUTBOUND", // required
// service: "STRING_VALUE",
// status: "COMPLETED" || "MISSED",
// participants: [ // ConferenceAnalyticsRecordParticipantList // required
// { // ConferenceAnalyticsRecordParticipant
// jid: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// info: { // ConferenceParticipant
// type: "EXTERNAL" || "EXTERNAL_DIAL_IN" || "PBX" || "PBX_SIP" || "XBS", // required
// role: "CLIENT" || "AGENT",
// jid: "STRING_VALUE",
// name: "STRING_VALUE",
// email: "STRING_VALUE",
// phone: "STRING_VALUE",
// department: "STRING_VALUE",
// company: "STRING_VALUE",
// pbxSerial: "STRING_VALUE",
// pbxExtension: "STRING_VALUE",
// pbxGroupId: "STRING_VALUE",
// xbsId: "STRING_VALUE",
// license: "basic" || "essential" || "business" || "premium" || "wizyconf",
// },
// totalDuration: Number("int"), // required
// totalSpeakDuration: Number("int"), // required
// joinTime: Number("long"), // required
// },
// ],
// recordings: [ // ConferenceRecordingList
// { // ConferenceRecording
// url: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// start: Number("long"), // required
// end: Number("long"), // required
// },
// ],
// transcriptionStatus: "AVAILABLE" || "UNAVAILABLE", // required
// transcriptionLanguage: "STRING_VALUE",
// type: "call" || "call_transcription" || "conference" || "conference_transcription", // required
// },
// },
// summary: { // ListConversationsItemSummary
// status: "NONE" || "UNAVAILABLE" || "SCHEDULED" || "STARTED" || "SUCCEEDED" || "FAILED", // required
// title: "STRING_VALUE",
// brief: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// highlight: { // ListConversationsItemHighlight
// transcription: [ // ListConversationsItemHighlightTranscriptionList
// { // ListConversationsItemHighlightTranscriptionItem
// id: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// user: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// start: Number("long"), // required
// text: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// },
// ],
// summary: { // ListConversationsItemHighlightSummary
// title: "STRING_VALUE",
// brief: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// subject: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// },
// ],
// total: Number("int"),
// lastEvaluatedKey: "STRING_VALUE",
// };