@wildix/wms-permissions-client > GetSeeAnalyticsGroupsCommand
GetSeeAnalyticsGroupsCommand class
Gets a list of groups that are allowed to see the analytics.
export declare class GetSeeAnalyticsGroupsCommand extends GetSeeAnalyticsGroupsCommand_base
Extends: GetSeeAnalyticsGroupsCommand_base
Use a bare-bones client and the command you need to make an API call.
import { WmsPermissionsClient, GetSeeAnalyticsGroupsCommand } from "@wildix/wms-permissions-client"; // ES Modules import
// const { WmsPermissionsClient, GetSeeAnalyticsGroupsCommand } = require("@wildix/wms-permissions-client"); // CommonJS import
const client = new WmsPermissionsClient(config);
const input = { // GetSeeAnalyticsGroupsInput
domain: "STRING_VALUE",
port: Number("int"),
identity: { // Identity
extension: "STRING_VALUE",
email: "STRING_VALUE",
groupId: "STRING_VALUE",
const command = new GetSeeAnalyticsGroupsCommand(input);
const response = await client.send(command);
// { // GetSeeAnalyticsGroupsOutput
// groups: [ // GroupsIdsList // required
// ],
// everybody: true || false, // required
// };