CheckCanUseAnalyticsPermissionCommand | Checks the can use: Analytics permissions for a specific user for the target. |
CheckIntrusionPermissionCommand | Checks the can: Intrusion permissions for a specific user for the target. |
CheckSeeAnalyticsPermissionCommand | Checks the can: See analytics permissions for a specific user for the target. |
CheckSeeCallRecordingsPermissionCommand | Checks the can: See Analytics permissions for a specific user. |
CheckViewCallRecordingsOfUsersPermissionCommand | Checks the can: See call recordings permissions of a specific user for the list of targets. |
ForbiddenException | |
GetIntrusionGroupsCommand | Gets a list of groups that are allowed to use the intrusion. |
GetSeeAnalyticsGroupsCommand | Gets a list of groups that are allowed to see the analytics. |
GetViewCallRecordingsOfUsersGroupsCommand | Gets a list of groups that are allowed to see the analytics. |
ValidationException | |
WmsPermissions | |
WmsPermissionsClient | |
WmsPermissionsServiceException | Base exception class for all service exceptions from WmsPermissions service. |