File Uploads
When you upload a file, Wildix CDN becomes the host for your file, taking charge of its safe storage. Uploading files is by far the easiest way to use files in x-bees.
- Files are stored in company storage and could be removed due to data retention policy configured in WMS (documentation:
- Files are attached to a specific channel, and access to the file is available only to members of the channel.
- Each message can have up to 10 attachments.
- Once a file is uploaded, it cannot be removed, but the access to the file can be restricted if you remove the message where the file is attached.
- If a service token is used, it is necessary to specify the ID of the user on whose behalf the operation is performed.
Retrieves a presigned URL for downloading a specific file from a message in a specified channel.
Retrieves information about an uploaded file in a specified channel.
Create a presigned URL for file upload in the channel.
Upload files or images
import {
} from '@wildix/xbees-conversations-client';
import fs from 'fs';
// Initialize the client with the desired configuration
const client = new ConversationsClient({...});
const channelId = '<channel-id>';
const fileName = 'example.jpg';
const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(`./${fileName}`);
// Create a file resource to get an upload URL for the file
const fileUploadResponse = await client.send(
new UploadFileCommand({
name: fileName,
// Specify user ID in case of service authorization
options: {
userId: '<user-id>',
// Upload content to the file storage service
await fetch(fileUploadResponse.presignedUploadUrl, {
method: 'PUT',
body: fileContent,
// Get the uploaded file info
const fileUploadInfoResponse = await client.send(
new GetUploadedFileInfoCommand({
fileId: fileUploadResponse.fileId,
// Prepare attachments for the message
const attachments = [];
if (fileUploadInfoResponse.file) {
// Send a message with the uploaded file attached
const sendMessageResponse = await client.send(
new SendMessageCommand({
userId: '<user-id>', // Specify user ID in case of service authorization
text: "File example",
console.log('Message sent successfully', sendMessageResponse);
Download files
import {
} from '@wildix/xbees-conversations-client';
// Initialize the client with the desired configuration
const client = new ConversationsClient({...});
const channelId = '<channel-id>';
const messageId = '<message-id>';
const fileId = '<file-id>';
// Get the presigned download URL for the file
const fileDownloadUrlResponse = await client.send(
new GetFilePresignedDownloadUrlCommand({
// Fetch the file content from the presigned URL
const fileDownloadResponse = await fetch(fileDownloadUrlResponse.presignedDownloadUrl);
const fileDownloadBuffer = await fileDownloadResponse.arrayBuffer();
console.log('File downloaded successfully', fileDownloadBuffer);