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How x-bees Uses Integration Applications

x-bees supports two primary integration modes for applications:

  1. UI Integration: Embedding your frontend application inside the x-bees interface (info-frame) to display contextual information.

  2. Non-UI Integration: Running your integration in the background without a user interface, primarily for search and contact lookups.

Below, I'll explain each variant in detail, along with flow diagrams to illustrate how they work.

UI Integration (Info-frame Application)

In this mode, your frontend application is embedded within the x-bees interface, specifically inside the info-frame. The application can access runtime context from x-bees to display detailed information about the current contact or conversation.

Key Features:

  • Contextual Data Access: Your app can access real-time data about contacts and conversations.
  • Interactive UI: Users can interact with your application directly within the x-bees interface.
  • Event Listening: Your app can listen to events from x-bees (e.g., contact selection changes).

Sequence Diagram:


  1. Initialization:
  • The user opens the x-bees interface.
  • x-bees loads your embedded application inside the info-frame.
  • Your app sends a ready() signal to indicate it's ready to receive context.
  1. Context Provisioning:
  • x-bees provides initial context data (e.g., current contact or conversation) to your app.
  • Your app subscribes to relevant events to receive updates.
  1. User Interaction:
  • When the user selects a different contact or conversation, x-bees sends updated context data to your app.
  • Your app updates the display accordingly to show detailed information.
  1. Interactivity:
  • The user interacts with your app within the info-frame.
  • Your app can perform actions via x-bees, such as starting a call or sending a message.

Technical Considerations:

  • Event Handling: Implement event listeners to respond to context changes.
  • Context Awareness: Use the x-bees SDK to access context data.
  • UI Responsiveness: Ensure your app adjusts its UI based on the provided context.

Non-UI Integration (Background Application)

In this mode, your integration runs in the background without a user interface. It's used primarily for functionalities like real-time search results and contact lookups.

Key Features:

  • Lightweight Operation: Since there's no UI, the application should be optimized for performance.
  • Search Integration: Provides search results or contact matches when the user performs a search in x-bees.
  • Minimal Resource Usage: Only necessary modules are loaded to keep resource usage low.

Sequence Diagram:


  1. Search Trigger:
  • The user types a query into the x-bees search field.
  1. Query Handling:
  • x-bees sends the search query to your background integration app.
  • Your app processes the query using lightweight modules (no UI components).
  1. Returning Results:
  • Your app returns relevant search results to x-bees.
  • x-bees displays combined results from all integrations to the user.

Technical Considerations:

  • Module Separation: Separate your application's code into modules to ensure only necessary code is loaded.
    • Core Module: Contains the logic needed for background operations (e.g., search processing).
    • UI Module: Contains code for the user interface, which should not be loaded in this variant.
  • Optimizations:
    • Avoid loading heavy libraries or UI frameworks in the background variant.
    • Use lazy loading or dynamic imports to load modules only when necessary.
  • Event Handling: Implement necessary event listeners to respond to x-bees requests (e.g., search queries).

Starts listen for the events of searching contacts and handle autosuggestion with the provided callback

Client.getInstance().onSuggestContacts(async (query, resolve) => {
try {
const contacts = await fetchContacts(query);
} catch (error) {
console.log('catch', error);

Starts listen for the events of searching contact info and finds best match

Client.getInstance().onLookupAndMatchContact(async (query, resolve) => {
try {
const contact = await fetchContactAndMatch(query);
} catch (error) {
console.log('catch', error);

Efficient Application Design for Both Variants

To support both integration modes efficiently, you should architect your application to allow for conditional loading of modules based on the integration variant. xbees-connect's Client can help with serving conditional loading.

Flow Diagram for Combined Architecture:


  • App Initialization: When the application starts, it first determines which mode it should run in.
  • Determine Mode:
    • The app checks for certain parameters or configuration to decide if it's in UI mode or daemon mode.
  • Conditional Loading:
    • UI Mode: The app loads UI modules and runs the application with the interface.
    • Data Source Mode: The app loads only the necessary background modules and runs without a UI.

Example Implementing Mode-Specific Module Loading in x-bees Integration:

In this section, we'll demonstrate how to structure your integration application to efficiently support both UI Integration and Non-UI Integration modes in x-bees.

File Structure

├── main.ts // Entry point of the application
├── auth.ts // Authentication logic
├── app/
│ ├── App.tsx // Root React component
│ ├── startUI.ts // UI initialization logic
│ └── ...
└── app-start/
├── StartApp.ts // Contains the StartApp class
├── startUILazy.ts // Lazy loader for the UI
└── ... // Contains the StartApp Utility functions

Code Explanation

1. main.ts

This is the entry point of your application. Initializes the app by creating a new instance of the StartApp class and calling its start() method.

// main.ts
import { StartApp } from './app-start/StartApp';

new StartApp().start();

2. StartApp.ts

This file defines the StartApp class, which initializes the x-bees Client and handles mode determination.

// startApp.ts
import Client from '@wildix/xbees-connect';
import { startUILazy } from './startUILazy';
import Auth from './auth';
import { fetchContacts, fetchContactAndMatch } from './utils';

export class StartApp {
private initializeClient() {

// Determines the mode (UI or Data Source) and loads UI modules if needed.

// Sets up event handlers for contact suggestions and lookups.
Client.getInstance().onSuggestContacts(async (query, resolve) => {
try {
const contacts = await fetchContacts(query);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching contacts:', error);

// Handle contact lookup and matching
Client.getInstance().onLookupAndMatchContact(async (query, resolve) => {
try {
const contact = await fetchContactAndMatch(query);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error matching contact:', error);

// Notify x-bees that the app is ready
void Client.getInstance().ready();

private checkIsAuthorized() {
if (!Auth.getInstance().isAuthorized()) {
} else {

private onLogout = () => {
// Additional logout handling if necessary

// Start the application
public start() {
this.initializeClient(); // Initialize client with event listeners
this.checkIsAuthorized(); // Perform authorization check
  • Key Function: Client.initialize(startUILazy);
    • Determines the integration mode based on x-bees context.
    • Calls startUILazy to load UI modules only if in UI mode.

3. startUI.ts

This file contains the function to initialize and render your React application.

// startUI.ts
import { createElement } from 'react';
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
import App from './App';

export function startUI() {
const rootContainer = document.getElementById('root')!;
const reactRoot = createRoot(rootContainer);
  • Purpose: Starts the UI by rendering the root React component App.
  • Usage: Only loaded when the application runs in UI mode.

2. startUILazy.ts

This file provides a function to lazily load the UI modules when needed.

// startUILazy.ts
export async function startUILazy() {
try {
const { startUI } = await import('./startUI');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error rendering UI:', error);
  • Purpose: Dynamically imports startUI to defer loading UI modules until necessary.
  • Benefit: Reduces initial load time in Non-UI mode by not loading UI-related code.

How Mode Determination Works

The x-bees SDK provides the Client.initialize() method, which can accept a callback function. This function is invoked only when the application is running in UI mode (e.g., within the infoframe). In Non-UI mode (Data Source mode), this callback is not called, preventing UI code from loading.

// Inside startApp.ts
  • In UI Mode:

    • x-bees detects that the app should display a UI.
    • Calls startUILazy(), which dynamically imports and executes startUI().
    • UI modules (startUI.ts and App.tsx) are loaded and rendered.
  • In Non-UI Mode:

    • x-bees does not call the callback.
    • UI modules are not loaded.
    • Only background functionalities (e.g., contact search) are active.

Flow Diagram


The code examples provided are for illustrative purposes. Adjustments may be necessary to fit your specific application context and requirements.