iFrame Integration with React for x-bees
This guide will walk you through the process of building an integration application with x-bees using a template React project. By following these steps, you'll be able to create a seamless integration that communicates with the x-bees platform.
Before you begin, ensure that you have the following:
- Node.js installed on your machine
- Yarn package manager
- x-bees account with Wildix PBX connection to the domain you are an admin in
- An administrator account on the Wildix Management System (WMS) with the necessary rights to set up WMS settings
Quick Start
x-bees iFrame Integration Template
To get started quickly, use a template React project that is pre-configured for x-bees integration.
Follow these steps:
- Clone the template project from GitHub:
git clone https://github.com/Wildix/iframe-xbees-template-react.git
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd iframe-xbees-template-react
- Install dependencies:
- npm
- Yarn
- pnpm
npm install
yarn install
pnpm install
- Start the development server:
- npm
- Yarn
- pnpm
npm start
yarn start
pnpm start
This will launch the template project, and you can view it in your browser at http://localhost:3000.
See xbees-template Readme as additional installation help source
Integration Setup
Once you've set up the template project, follow these steps to integrate it with x-bees:
- Obtain a URL for your deployed integration. You can use platforms like Netlify or Vercel for deployment.
Info: If you want to integrate your local environment for testing purposes during development, you may need to expose your project URL for x-bees to access. To do this, you can choose one of these variants:
- Run on domain locally - see setup
- Use NGROK for tunneling - setup ngrok and run
ngrok http 5173
Then you can open the x-bees web app and configure x-bees integrations by adding your temporary integration locally
- Navigate to your x-bees WMS Settings:
- PBX -> Integrations -> Cloud Integrations -> x-bees Client Integrations
- Click on Add integration and provide the following details:
- Name: Choose a name for your integration.
- iFrame URL: Enter the URL of your deployed integration.
- Save the integration settings.
Documentation: How to setup x-bees iFrame integration
x-bees Client UI libs
The template project you've cloned is configured to use two essential libraries for x-bees integration:
- @wildix/xbees-connect: A JavaScript library for communication and event handling with x-bees.
- @wildix/xbees-connect-react: A React library providing UI components and hooks for seamless integration.
As you build your application, make sure to utilize these libraries to establish a successful connection and handle events with x-bees.
Next Steps:
- Explore the x-bees-connect.
- Discover the x-bees-connect-react for building a cohesive and user-friendly UI
- explore useful Components
- explore useful Hooks
Now, you're ready to start building your integration application with x-bees!