How to utilize the xbees-connect Library
The xbees-connect library is an SDK designed to facilitate seamless integration between your application and the x-bees platform. It provides developers with a set of tools to ensure smooth interaction between the integrated UI application and the x-bees environmentenvironment, allowing them to build rich UI. Below is an overview of how to use this SDK.
Step-by-Step Guide to Using the xbees-connect Library:
xbees-connect Installation
To install the x-bees-connect Client in your project, use either Yarn or npm. Open your terminal and run one of the following commands in your project directory:
- npm
- Yarn
- pnpm
npm install @wildix/xbees-connect
yarn add @wildix/xbees-connect
pnpm add @wildix/xbees-connect
This installs the x-bees-connect package and its dependencies.
Once the package is installed, initialize the x-bees-connect Client in your application. Import the library and create an instance of the client as follows:
import Client from "@wildix/xbees-connect";
const xbees = Client.getInstance();
Info: It is not necessary to create a variable, because
returns the same value.
The Client instance provides you a set of functions to interact with the x-bees.
Necessary Consent with x-bees: Before interacting with the x-bees, it is important to ensure that your application identify itself with
Continue exploring the API Reference to understand the available functions and methods provided by the SDK.
xbees-connect-react Installation
Install the package in your project directory with:
- npm
- Yarn
- pnpm
npm install @wildix/xbees-connect-react
yarn add @wildix/xbees-connect-react
pnpm add @wildix/xbees-connect-react
This component has the following peer dependencies that you will need to install as well.
"peerDependencies": {
"@mui/material": "^5.14.16",
"react": "^18.2.0",
"react-dom": "^18.2.0"
xbees-connect-react Usage
import { useThemeEffect, useViewPortEffect } from '@wildix/xbees-connect-react';
const AppUi = () => {
const theme = useThemeEffect();
return (
<div className="container">
<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
<CssBaseline />
<div />
Contacts live search
onSuggestContacts: ((query: string, resolve: Resolve, reject: Reject) => void) => RemoveEventListener
Starts listen for the events of searching contacts and handle autosuggestion with the provided callback */
Client.getInstance().onSuggestContacts(async (query, resolve) => {
try {
const contacts = await fetchContacts(query);
} catch (error) {
console.log('catch', error);
onLookupAndMatchContact: ((query: ContactQuery, resolve: Resolve, reject: Reject) => void) => RemoveEventListener
Starts listen for the events of searching contact info and handle match with the provided callback
Client.getInstance().onLookupAndMatchContact(async (query, resolve) => {
try {
const contact = await fetchContactAndMatch(query);
} catch (error) {
console.log('catch', error);
getContext(): Promise<Response>
Retrieves current x-bees context data. The data may be different depending on context.
getCurrentContact(): Promise<Response>
Retrieves contact data currently opened in x-bees.
getCurrentConversation(): Promise<Response>
Retrieves conversation data (id, type) currently opened in x-bees. If the conversation is temporary - retrieves undefined